Happy Monday parents & students!
I was happy to have met with you guys last week. It felt like forever since we had met! This week we will meet but our plans will be a bit different as we will actually be attending the service at Coral Hill.
Shawn and Carla invited us to attend the service at Coral Hill as Carlee Nunn will be giving a mission report from her recent mission trip. She is a former student and I think it will be beneficial to you all. I do need to get a headcount of everyone going so we have transportation over there. The plan is to meet at Immanuel at 5:30 and leave by 5:45. We can take you home afterward. Please message me by tomorrow at 6 pm if you are coming with us. Everyone, of course, is invited and encouraged to come!
Next Wednesday is going to be our kickoff for the Fall semester! Invite your friends and be ready to start the new school year off with some fun games and Bible study! We will be continuing into the book of James. We have some new and exciting things for this school year that I believe will help you all grow in your walk with the Lord. I hope you're able to come out and join us!
Caleb Clapp is getting baptized during worship on Sunday morning. I hope you all can come out and celebrate with him!
I am working on our fall schedule and will release it next Wednesday night. It won't be nearly as full as summer as you guys will be returning to school soon. However, we will still have plenty of fun ways you can connect and grow with other students!
If you have an idea for an outing, movie night or game to play send me a message. I can't promise we can do them all but I would love to hear your ideas.
Another thing I am working on is a summer photo album. If you have some pictures you took at any of our events or outings - text them to me and I will add them to the folder.
I am praying for you all and if you have anything I can pray for specifically - please reach out!