Greetings Parents and Visitors,
If you haven't already, please take a few moments to watch the video posted for this quarter, (If you are reading the online version, you can just click here Last Spring, Jill Brooks, one of our finest Sunday school leaders led students through the Lords Prayer line by line. They recited the prayer and discussed the meaning of each word. It was truly a beautiful thing to watch. The students eventually completed their version and in my opinion, a compelling version. But, I'll let you make that call for yourself.
Our Father, who is in heaven, how special, is Your Name,
Your kingdom come, Your rules we will follow, on earth as it is in heaven. We trust You to protect us and give us everything we need. Accept our apology for our sins and being mean, as we accept apologies from those who are mean to us. Guide us away from bad choices
and help us stay away from harm. For Yours is the kingdom, the positive power, and the amazing, beautiful colorful glory for ever and ever.
I share this with you to highlight why Sunday School is so beneficial to your child's spiritual growth. Amazing things are going on in our children's program. We have amazing teachers who care about the spiritual well being of your child, and they are intentionally focusing on assisting you to provide a strong foundation in Christ for your child. If you see a Sunday school teacher, please be sure to thank them for their weekly sacrifices to be a part of your child's spiritual growth. We have a lot of work to do, and we can't do it alone, but we can do it together.
Ways you can get involved: 1) Come a few minutes early and register your child. 2) Grab some coffee, maybe a doughnut or some fruit. 3) Introduce yourself to other parents and me. 4) After service, perhaps on the way home or during dinner ask your child about Sunday school; what did he or she learn today, etc... These small things will enhance our program and what your child gets out of Sunday school the most. I am excited to be a part of this journey with your family, and I am looking forward to the upcoming year.
Blessings and Grace,
Deandre Dukes,
Director of Children and Youth