Hey everyone, just a few things we want to share with you.
February 23rd is an important date. That is the day of the fiesta fundraiser. We are asking that each family bring some type of dessert to put on the dessert table, this way we have a variety of desserts for people to choose from, you can bring anything you like, and if you are not a baker feel free to buy some cookies or cupcakes. The day before the fundraiser will be a work day to set up as much as possible for the fundraiser. We will meet from 9am-12pm in the gym. If you or your teen can come help that would be great, the more we have the faster the work will go.
February 23rd is also the deadline to sign up for camp. Please follow this link to sign up online, https://app.easytithe.com/App/Form/123d5818-c8a5-49c9-a510-0d42c9ca5db8. We are charging $75 this year, if you need to spread out paying the $75 that is okay, but please talk to us so we know. Also, please know that the actual camp cost is $250 per person, we are able to charge $75 because of the fundraisers. Therefore, it is very important that your teen help work the fundraisers. IF a student does not help work the fundraisers, then you will need to pay full price for camp. We feel that it is not fair to the students who work the fundraisers to allow the discounted price to those who do not work.
In addition to our fundraisers at the church we have scheduled a fundraiser with Buffalo Wild Wings on April 6th. This is a super easy fundraiser, all you have to do is go eat there that day, and they will donate 10% (before tax) of your bill to the youth group. We will have tickets printed that Buffalo Wild Wings sent us, you will show them your ticket that way they know you are there for the fundraiser.
Wednesday nights have been great! We are still talking through 9 Common Lies Christians Believe. If you have not yet, we encourage you to buy the book and read it, that way you can talk with your teen about the topics we have discussed.
That's all for now, let us know if you have any questions.
Dru & Tiffany