David Spares Saul's Life
Today, we'll see how David showed he was brave by showing mercy and how we can show mercy to others, too. Our story comes from 1 Samuel 24:1 - 18
David Spares Saul's Life
Today, we'll see how David showed he was brave by showing mercy and how we can show mercy to others, too. Our story comes from 1 Samuel 24:1 - 18
Questions about the Video:
What are some ways you can show compassion in your everyday life?
Showing compassion is a choice that we can make, not only for others but for ourselves.
ACTIVITY | Mercy Mosaic
INSTRUCTIONS: Give each kid a four-by-four square of light-colored construction paper. Encourage them to think of ways we can show mercy and compassion to others and write them on these paper squares. Then, make a mosaic by attaching the papers to the poster board to remind the kids to show others mercy often.