What’s something that not many people know about you?
How can knowing a character’s backstory in a TV show or movie change how you understand them, the decisions they make, or a plot twist?
What is one thing that people “get wrong” about you? Or that you wish they understood about your life?
Read Philippians 2:5-8. This passage points to Jesus showing humility. Describe what “humility” might look like in high school.
What would it look like to show humility to your friends? What about your family?
Why is it important to show a humble attitude when learning someone’s story? What would it look like for you to show a humble attitude when it comes to learning someone’s story?
Who’s someone in your life you wish you knew their backstory? What holds you back from knowing their backstory?
What’s something you can do this week to get to know their backstory?
Follow along with the daily devos on the Student Devo Instagram account. @molc_devos