Using the Feelings Wheel: Which of these emotions (in the center) did you feel this week? Which ones (in the outer circles) best describe the emotion you felt?
What is something that most people believe about emotions and how they should be expressed by: Guys. Girls. Older people. Younger people
Have you ever seen someone older than you controlled by their emotions? On TV? At school? Online? At home?
Do you usually share the emotions you are feeling, or do you hide them from other people?
Read Matthew 11:28 (First read the NIV version, then reread it in the Message version). Do you feel that what Jesus is saying is even possible?
How do you take your emotions to Jesus? What does that look like practically?
How would your life look different if you were confident that the emotions, moods, and vibes you feel no longer controlled how you treated yourself and others around you?
What are some words that you can use to tell someone how you feel? What are some words that you can use to tell God how you feel?
Follow along with the daily devos on the Student Devo Instagram account. @molc_devos