33 days...
That's how many days are left until school ends--if you didn't already know.
But you knew.
Yeah, you knew.
And, of course, this means that there are only 33 days left until you're all freed up for summer!
Or will you really be free?
For some of you, you may not be quite so free as it would seem. From work commitments and preparations to move into college dorms, to last-minute wish lists of things to do before you get busy again? Maybe, you're not so free...
Freedom, however, comes in many forms. And that's what we'll be focusing on this month. Like, we'll be "escaping" the Wizarding School of Magic to the freedom of the outside world on a trip to Blue Ridge's newest Escape Room on May 16th! We'll also be preparing a mural to say "goodbye" to Pastor Thom as he enters the freedom that retirement will hopefully bring! Not to mention the fact that we'll be recognizing our seniors as they graduate, freeing themselves from high school. And finally--and because many of you have begun to work, will be working in college, and/or will be budgeting for the future--we'll start a series on finances and faith called Freed-Up, Financial Living.
Of course, that's only the half of it. Check out all the details below!