Hey Church!
October was an exciting month in the life of our church and for our students. We had the opportunity to serve our church family and the people of our community through our annual Fall Festival. It was a fun day in the Lord and I am grateful for every student and adult that volunteered and served to make this event happen. The Student Ministry also found itself with another opportunity to support one of the ministries of our church through our annual canned food drive to stock our church’s food pantry. Thank you to all the students and adults that served on October 16th and 23rd. We were able to hand out 896 bags into the community and were blessed with a great return in donations for our food pantry. That would not have been possible without all of the volunteers and the wonderful community of people that God has called our church to serve. Our student and adult volunteers also had the opportunity to serve at Feed the Homeless for the last time in 2024. We are grateful for all the donations that make this mission happen, and thank you to all who brought candy as we were able to hand out many candy bags to children in the community as well. October was full of opportunities for our students to serve. I also had the privilege of serving Smiths Station High School by doing mock interviews with their 9th graders. October did not pass by without us getting the opportunity to have some fun and build relationships with our students though. We had a lock-in for our Flyte and Middle School Students and our Thrifty Not-So-Halloween party. Fun was had by all and it was a wonderful reminder of how blessed my family and I are to serve here at Lakewood Baptist Church.
“Only fear the LORD and serve him faithfully with all your heart. For consider what great things he has done for you.” – 1 Samuel 12:24
In Christ,