Equipping you for intentional gospel conversations with your teen
Parents, we hope our Newsletters are a helpful tool to disciple your teen. We are united to help you guide your student to live out their faith in Christ personally and publicly. Together, we represent a community of believers pointing students toward God in every circumstance. We are praying for you!
Spiritual Warfare Overview
We are starting a series on Spiritual Warfare. The points and discussion questions below are intended to help you engage in Biblical conversations with your student(s) about what they are learning on Wednesday nights.
Week 1 - Know Your Enemy
Ezekiel 28:11-19; Isaiah 14:12-15; Genesis 3:1-7
- Satan is real, dangerous, and an enemy.
- Who is Satan?
- He is a fallen angel.
- He is roaming Earth.
- He is a finite
- Tactics of Satan
- He disguises
- He doubts God’s Word.
- He denies God’s Word.
- How to Combat the Lies of Satan
- Know the Word of God.
- Trust the goodness of God.
Discussion questions
- Have you ever given much thought to the spiritual battle that is happening around you that you can't see? Why or why not?
- Why is it important to know the enemy that you are fighting?
- How has Satan lied to you in the past by manipulating God's Word?
- Trusting in God's plan can be difficult in the midst of the battle with Satan. How do you remind yourself of God's goodness when it gets hard?
- What is one way you can bring others into the battle to help you when you're struggling?
Week 2 - Preparing for the Battle
Ephesians 6:10-20
- We are in a real war, and if we don’t realize it, then we are losing.
- Stand Strong and Put on Your Armor
- Stay Prayed Up and Share the Gospel
Discussion questions
- Did you realize before tonight we were at war?
- Do you recognize when the enemy attacks? Why is it important to stay on guard?
- What is a moment you stood strong against the enemy?
- What are some situations we might need God’s armor? Are you in any of those situations right now?
- How would you “put on” each piece of God’s armor?
- Belt of Truth
- Breastplate of righteousness
- Shoes of peace
- Shield of Faith
- Helmet of salvation
- Sword of the Spirit
- Read Ephesians 6:18-20. What are some specific things we can pray for each other? Do you have anything you’d like us to pray for?
Live It Out Challenge
Each day this week put on a piece of God’s Armor.
- Thursday: Belt of Truth
- Friday: Breastplate of Righteousness
- Saturday: Shoes of peace
- Sunday: Shield of Faith
- Monday: Helmet of salvation
- Tuesday: Sword of the Spirit
Week 3 - In the Battle
Job 2
To keep ourselves in this battle…
1. We need to be in The Right Fight
2. Against The Right Enemy
3. Surrounded by The Right People
4. With The Right Goal in mind.
Discussion questions
- Which of the first options do you feel applied to you – being out of the battle, in the wrong battle, or in the battle but losing? Why?
- Which do you feel like you get wrong most often – the fight, the enemy, the people, or the goal? Why?
- Why is it important that we understand who the real enemy is? (that enemy being Satan)
- Why is it important that we have the right people around us?
- What is an area of your life that comes to mind when you think about being “in the battle?”
Week 4 - The Battle Has Been Won
Revelation 19:11-16;19-21, Revelation 21:1-4
1. Jesus is our victorious King who will/has completely defeated evil/spiritual forces that oppose God.
2. God will create a new heaven and new earth where He dwells with His people without the presence of death, mourning, crying, or pain.
Discussion questions
What does it mean to you that Jesus is depicted as a victorious warrior? How does this image of Jesus challenge or encourage your faith?
How can we discern false teachings in today’s world? What are some ways we can stand firm in the truth of God’s Word?
In what ways do you see Satan trying to deceive people today? How can we resist his schemes and remain faithful to God?
How does the reality of the final judgment impact the way you live your life?
What aspect of the new heaven and new earth excites you the most?
How can the hope of this promise influence your daily decisions and actions?